Sanitary Sewer Rate Increase Public Hearing Location Changed: NOTICE: LOCATION CHANGE!!! There will be a sanitary sewer rate increase public hearing on November 4th, 2024 at 6:15 pm. This meeting will be held at the Weston Fire Department. The location for this meeting has changed due the election making the previous location unavailable as advertised in the mailed notice. The meeting time has been delayed to allow those who may not receive this notice to travel to the new location. Thank you for your understanding! 


Weston Christmas Parade

It’s not too late to plan on joining us for the Christmas Parade on Friday. If you’d like to still enter a float, please call the City Building by 4pm on Wednesday, 11/22.

We ask that all cars parked along the parade route from the Middle School, down 3rd Street and along Main be moved at least 2 hours prior to the parade. If they are not moved, they will be towed per City ordinance. We don’t want to be scrooges so help us out!

Hope to see you there!

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Th”'Annual Weston® Winter Christmas Parade will be held Monderland beginning at 6:00 pm. Friday, November 24, 2023, Who will take the 1st place trophies for "Best Float" and "Best Dance Twirl Group"? Follow Weston on Facebook for updates. EPIC FLIGHT VIEWS 网 WESTON'